+44 (0) 1463 417707




Mongolia Gobi Cycling Holiday

Gobi Mongolia

Tour Overview

redspokes 15-day Gobi Desert to the Khangai Mountains cycling holiday offers challenging biking in the dramatic Mongolian wilds riding on sandy track, rutted riverbeds and dry sanded terrain.  Our tour begins in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia's vibrant capital, where ancient culture and 21st Century traditions forge a unique path.

We fly south from Ulaanbaatar to the heart of the Gobi Desert and visit the dramatic Flaming Red Cliffs. Our cycling begins here as we ride across the Gurvan Saikhan mountain range and wide-open plains to the Khongoriin Els ‘singing’ Sand Dunes renowned for their ever-changing crests which hum in the wind. Our only encounters will be with nomadic herders grazing their livestock on the summer pastures. We will camp in river valleys, stay in traditional Ger camps and experience a traditional way of life that has remained unchanged over centuries.

After a vehicle transfer, we cycle onto the Arts Bogd mountain range which divides the Gobi Desert from the central Mongolian grasslands. We camp beside an extinct volcano where you’ll see ancient petroglyphs and burial mounds. We transfer again to reach the Khangai mountain range. Crossing the range from south to north we cycle a series of peaks and river valleys enjoying challenging climbs and thrilling descents. We visit therapeutic hot springs at Tsenkher before riding on to Karakorum the historic medieval capital of Genghis Khan.

You will be transferred back to Ulaanbaatar where redspokes Gobi Desert to the Khangai mountains cycling holiday ends.


Dates & Prices

There are currently no holiday dates and prices available for this Mongolia Gobi cycling holiday.

We are constantly updating our services and would recommend that you check again soon as we may have added more dates to our tour calendar. Alternatively, you can contact us using the contact information below.

If you need assistance or wish to discuss the tour, please feel free to call us on +44 (0) 1463 417707.

Alternatively, you can email us on office@redspokes.co.uk for more information on this adventure holiday.

Key Stats

Cycling Difficulty
56 Km
35 miles
Average Daily distance
562 m
1,843 ft
Average Daily Ascent
No. of Days Cycling

Tour Features

  • Ulaanbaatar: vibrant Mongolian capital
  • Khongorin Els: Singing Sand Dunes
  • Ger camps: traditional nomadic camping in style
  • Wild nature: vast untamed landscapes petroglyphs, ancient burial mounds
  • Hot Springs
  • Karakorum: medieval capital of Ghengis Khan
Chart showing the average temperature for our Mongolia cycling holiday
Chart showing the average number of days with precipitation for our Mongolia cycling holiday
Example route for this Mongolia cycling holiday Example route for this Mongolia cycling holiday